Friday, April 3, 2009

Journey Series: Self-Validation: Declaration

Copyright 1995-All Rights Reserved

Declaration of My Rights

The only moment of life we really "have" is the present.
Today, we can improve on our choices.
Today, we can stand up for our rights.

Today, I know...
What I feel and what I think counts. Carrying shame about who I am is NOT okay.


I can say No without feeling guilty.

I don't have to take care of your responsibilities or feelings.

I have the right to feel all of my feelings--from love to anger.

I have the right to make my own decisions about what I want & need to do.

I don't have to feel the way you want or tell me to feel.

I have the right to tell you what I need and ask for what I want, knowing you have the right to refuse.

If what you do hurts me or feels wrong, I can walk away and figure out how to take care of myself.

I can and do have the right to stand up for myself.

--Frankie Lennon

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