Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Book of Days VIII: Get Ready for Change

Copyright 2011- All Rights Reserved

Happy 2011 New Year!!! This one’s all about change.

Change—that’s what my astrological forecast says I can expect…

From 2011 Capricorn Forecast, Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer at Tarot. com
“You have already experienced a lot of change in the last couple of years… and yet you still have quite a bit ahead of you. Regenerative Pluto continues to move at a glacial pace through your 1st House of Self for another 12 years, bringing with it many levels of deconstruction and reconstruction to every facet of your life.”

Deconstruction and reconstruction…tearing down and building anew. It could be scary. But when the ride gets bumpy, I’ll try to remember these things…

“The most fundamental choices we have are where we place our attention and how we interpret the information we get about the world. These two choices are the difference between living consciously and living unconsciously. “Martin Rossman, M.D., The Worry Solution

“The only result of real understanding is change.” Alan Cohen, The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

“Our willingness to change brings fulfillment and satisfaction into our lives. On days when things look bleak, I simply change the blurry lens through which I view the world. We can create a happy life simply by changing our mental outlook.” Bryan E. Robinson, Soothing Moments

Change. It’s gonna come whether I accept it or fight it. The less painful thing for me to do is accept it. And switch out the blurry lens that I’m using to look through.