Friday, April 3, 2009

The Book of Days II: Words Worth Heeding

Copyright 2009-All Rights Reserved

We only have the present moment. Here's how to make the most of 24 hours, according to an article in Bottom Line magazine.

1. Don't carry your "to-do" list in your head. Write it down. You can't remember everything.

2. Don't multi-task. It's stressful. Stress does not make for doing things well. It's really not efficient. As Confucius said, "A man who chases 2 rabbits, catches neither."

3. Slow down. Focus on 1 high priority at a time. Take your time. Your best thinking comes when you're focused and relaxed.

4. Get enough sleep. Research shows that productivity, clarity, alertness, judgment, creativity, memory, motivation, cheerfulness, relaxation all thrive on adequate sleep. All suffer when you don't get enough.

5. Do what you love. Make time for it. Even better, do it full time if you can. You deserve it.

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