Wednesday, January 27, 2016

An Introduction to "Crossings," a story in Part 2 of Frankie's new book, Battles

--> Evansville, Indiana (in the late 1960's when I moved there) was where Archie Bunker, Lucy Ricardo, and Richie Cunningham types felt right at home... in step with 1950's "I Like Ike" buttons and Mamie Eisenhower pink. Although the rest of the nation was in the throes of intense labor pains which would birth the first generation of transformative change, Evansville barely acknowledged the kicking in her belly, or the nation's. Nevertheless, the upstart child came charging out wailing to raise the devil about Women's Liberation, Black Power, The Pill, Students' Rights, LSD, Vietnam, The Sexual Revolution, Male Chauvinism, and Power to the People. All of it was enough to make even Lucifer blanche. Everything had turned topsy-turvy. What was going on?       

 Buy my new Book, Battles, to find out the answer to "What was going on?"

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