Copyright 2007
I can’t say that my being aware of my Lesbianism was the sole cause of my drinking…that being a Lesbian propelled me into alcoholism. I cannot because it wouldn’t be entirely accurate. There are no simple answers here.
I am Sappho’s daughter. And I knew it early on. Inside me, for years, a fierce struggle between fear, desire, and shame had bound me. Had strangled me. Their ceaseless struggle for domination tortured me. Tasked me. I was their prisoner.
Then came alcohol, holding out a promise, a false promise, but a promise, nevertheless: If I would drink of its soothing liquid, I could have peace. If I would but drink, relief from this anguished struggle would cease. And, perhaps, I could forget who I was. My fears had made me a traitor to who I was. My fears had helped drive me into alcohol’s velvet arms.
But soon, I began a new and different kind of struggle: to break free of alcohol’s treacherous currents. For it had betrayed me, finally…had trapped yet another of Sappho’s daughters. Trapped this daughter for twenty-seven years.
In my book, The Mee Street Chronicles, you'll find stories of me and my struggles with alcohol, as well as stories of recovery. Order it from, barnes &, or
You will find poems, essays, stories, memoir, reflections under these Blog Topics: excerpts from The Mee Street Chronicles, Journey Series, Book of Days, Retrospective Series, Traveler Journals, Storyteller, Meditations Series, Maverick Author Series, Los Angeles Observations Series, Evansville Notebooks, Knoxville Remembered, Love Song Poems, Family Album Series, Woman Series, Writing Series, Testimony 1-4, Original Myths, My Photographic Eye, FYI, It's In the Stars, and more to come.