Feeling down? Blue? Foggy-brained? Feeling like your self-esteem took a permanent hike?
Catch up with your self-esteem, boost your mood, charge up your memory. How? By spending some time outside in Mother Nature. Research shows that ONLY 5 minutes of "green or outside exercise" like fishing, cycling, gardening, or walking will do wonders for you. And the good news is... it's free!
What does the outdoors do for you?
Gives you geater exposure to the sun's health-promoting Vitamin D.
Battles depression.
Boosts your brain's memory, thinking, perception, judgement (cognitive) functions.
Increases your compassion.
Could mean you spend less or no time in the doctor's office.
santa monica's farmer's market
Think about this: It's selfish not to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Mother Nature fixes what ails you! A parting shot: A walk at the mall isn't going to substitute for walking outside.
Kenneth Hahn State Park