Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Preview of Battles, Frankie's New Book

A Preview of My New Book

Battles: More Stories from The Mee Street Chronicles
    Struggling to overcome wounds of growing up Black in the Jim Crow South, family conflicts, the strangling pressure to conform, and a descent into alcoholism, Frankie Lennon takes us to new battlefields in her new stories as she fights to break free of the prisons of racism and homophobia to claim happiness, love, and her own life. Lennon’s intimate stories allow us to feel what it’s like to lose your way; then find it. With courage.

An Introduction to "Crossings," a story in Part 2 of Frankie's new book, Battles

--> Evansville, Indiana (in the late 1960's when I moved there) was where Archie Bunker, Lucy Ricardo, and Richie Cunningham types felt right at home... in step with 1950's "I Like Ike" buttons and Mamie Eisenhower pink. Although the rest of the nation was in the throes of intense labor pains which would birth the first generation of transformative change, Evansville barely acknowledged the kicking in her belly, or the nation's. Nevertheless, the upstart child came charging out wailing to raise the devil about Women's Liberation, Black Power, The Pill, Students' Rights, LSD, Vietnam, The Sexual Revolution, Male Chauvinism, and Power to the People. All of it was enough to make even Lucifer blanche. Everything had turned topsy-turvy. What was going on?       

 Buy my new Book, Battles, to find out the answer to "What was going on?"

Go to
or to 
barnes &

Battles - Table of Contents

--> Battles - Table of Contents                   

Part One - Mojo Woman

Unspoken Words

Part Two - Sleeper

Emerald City
The Sandman's Bag
Scotch on the Rocks
Closing Acts

Part Three - Exotic 

Where's Hollywood?
A Day in L.A.
The Throwaways
Pandora's Box

Friday, January 8, 2016

A Fabulous Read! Battles-More Stories from The Mee Street Chronicles

                                                       Don't Miss This Fabulous Read!!!! 

                                           or Barnes and

Battles: A New Book from Frankie Lennon


Buy Frankie's NEW BOOK at Click below.

 Or at barnes and noble.  Click below.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Photographic Eye VI: Trees and Leaves


Trees & Leaves
Copyright 2012-All Rights Reserved

Photography can be its own form of meditation. -Ansel Adams

Everything has beauty
but not everyone sees it. -Confucius


We have nothing to fear and a great deal to learn from trees, that vigorous and pacific tribe which without stint produces strengthening essences for us, soothing balms, and in whose gracious company we spend so many cool, silent and intimate hours. -Marcel Proust

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Book of Days X: 21 Things That Nurture My Spirit

Copyright 2011-All Rights Reserved

Nurturing My Spirit

I read an article by a woman on this topic this past year. It got me thinking about things that nurture my spirit. Not listed in order of importance, here’s what I came up with. It's good, I think, to reflect about what things nurture your spirit as the new year comes in.. . and to resolve to indulge yourself in these things as often as possible.

Think about my list as you read and perhaps you will come up with your own. 

1. Ansel Adams’ Photos

2. Walking in Gardens

3. Flowers and Plants

4. Gardening.

5. Dogs

6. Snuggling with/Holding Hands with My Honey

7. Colors

8. Sunlight

9. Native American Flute Music

10. Walking/Hiking Park Trails

11. The Sight of a Full Moon

12. The Sound and Sight of the Ocean’s Ebb and Flow

13. A Hug

14. Listening & Talking to Friends

15. The Sights of Red Rock Country. Looking at The Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Arches, Bryce Canyon,

16. Swimming

17. Yoga

18. Listening to Luther Vandross’ Music

19. The Visual Arts (Photography, Sculpture, Painting, Collages, Pottery, Glassmaking)

20. Writing

21. Reading

Happy New Year!

May 2012 be a year that brings all the positive energy of the universe to you and those you love.

May this be a year that begins and ends with love and connection...

with creativity and with purpose...

with a willingness to save and preserve all the beauty and bounties of our earthworld.
